Everything started perfectly well. Everybody woke up early and in a pretty good mood. Everybody knows that children like their sleep, so if they didn’t scream, kick, or anything else, we can agree that it was a really good start. The tank is full of gas, the luggage was loaded in the trunk last night; snacks, beverages, travel games, check. You are ready to go with moulin roty travel games and smartgames packed!
You and your spouse are smiling at each other; it’s going to be a perfect family vacation!
5 hours later: your spouse is driving in silence, trying to stay calm. You’re beet red, sweaty, and beginning to lose the tiny bit of patience you have left: one kid is crying, the other one asks for the thousandth time if “are we almost there?”, and both are screaming: “we are bored!!!”
We can’t let this nightmare happen. Summertime is here, the end of school not so far and you have already planned your vacation. Plane, cars, trains, the problem remains the same: you need to keep your children busy (or asleep), otherwise, they get bored, cranky, and so do you.
Let’s help you entertaining your kids with moulin roty travel games, smartgames, brainteaser games, and challenge games! These travel games are designed to stimulate their minds, and challenge games, in particular, can keep them engaged for hours. Say goodbye to boredom and hello to a peaceful journey!”
There are many different ways to travel, but there’s no comparison between plane and car. The latter offers more flexibility in terms of moving around when you’re on your trip while the former doesn’t allow any stops for food or bathroom breaks, but is faster !
First, it’s important to make sure that your child is well-rested before the trip. A tired child is more likely to be cranky and irritable. Except on a long flight trip, bring a pillow ad a blanket, the travel will be more comfortable.
Second, pack a selection of their favorite snacks and beverages. This will help to keep them from getting hungry or thirsty. And remember if it is a plane trip, you will have to pass security, and only then, you will buy their favorite beverages. Otherwise, you will have to throw them away.
Bring along some commonly needed medicine for your child: motion sickness, ibuprofen or acetaminophen for earaches during the flight, bandages (just in case, because a child is a child ..)
No matter how long or short your road trip is, it’s always a good idea to schedule in some regular breaks. According to the department of transport, you should stop for at least 15 minutes every 2 hours
This way, if your little ones need to use the restroom or are getting hungry, you can reassure them that you’ll be stopping soon. And when you do stop, be sure to get out of the car and have a proper break. This way, you can all stretch your legs and get some fresh air. Taking a few minutes to yourselves will do wonders in terms of recharging
If you’re planning a longer journey, it can be fun to make stops along the way. You can get off the beaten track and visit farmers markets or local festivals. This can also help tire out the kids so they might fall asleep once you get back on the road. Whatever your destination, remember to enjoy the journey as well. A road trip is a great way to explore hidden gems near you.
When you’re packing for a trip, it’s important to make sure you have all the essentials.. You’ll need chargers for your electronic devices, an emergency repair kit, and any other items that you might need. By making a list beforehand, you can be sure that you don’t forget anything important. The more prepared you are, the better off you’ll be during your family travel.
As any parent knows, traveling with young children can be a challenge. Keeping them entertained during a long car or plane trip can be especially difficult. However, there are a few simple steps that parents can take to make the experience more enjoyable for everyone.
There are a few things to consider when choosing toys to take on your travels.
First, you’ll want age appropriate toys, something that can be used independently, so your child isn’t relying on you to entertain them every step of the way. Children are not the only ones to get tired when traveling: you will enjoy the trip even more if you don’t have to play every moment to keep your child occupied.
Second, opt for quiet toys that won’t disturb other passengers or disturb the peace of your hotel room. The noise is going to bother you too at some point, and you are going to be tired of asking him or her, every 5 mn, to be quieter. Nothing is better than a good old board game, the only noise you will hear are the game pieces moving on the game board.
Third, choose compact and lightweight items that won’t take up too much space in your luggage, especially international ones. If it doesn’t fit, good chances are that you will have to hold it anyway, so think small, like dice games for example!
Fourth, consider battery-free options to avoid the hassle of keeping them powered up during long days of travel. Even if most of the cars or airport have chargers, you will have to untangle all the wires that were crammed into the bag, find the good one, give it to your child, find a solution if it is too short etc. Aren’t you tired just reading this paragraph?
And finally, select mess-free options that won’t make a big mess if they end up getting dropped or played with in less-than-ideal conditions. It is your vacation; you don’t want to clean the car or the whole plane.
By taking these factors into account, you can choose toys that will help make travel more enjoyable for both you and your child.
This the perfect moment to take the screens away for a while and play together.
Let’s make a list of the classic winners.
Have some magnetic games to keep the kids occupied on your next flight. They can play bingo and tic-tac toe with their favorite markers! The pieces are easily removable so you don’t have any problems when it comes time for customs at destination country’s airport – just make sure not too lose track of what goes where because there will be plenty more than one set available per person (you’ll need them all!).
It’s almost as if playing cards were invented for air travel and hotel stays. You can’t go wrong with classics like regular decks, UNO , and its various versions. At mybullestoys, we have a lot of card games, colorful and fun that can fit in your bag.
Coloring books and crayons are a great way to keep your kids entertained during a flight or in the car . Buy coloring books in advance of your trip when your children aren’t with you : what a good surprise when you bring them out on the plane. Choose coloring books with topics your kids already like such as farm scenes, flowers, pirates, or superheroes to up the odds they will enjoy them for a longer period of time. Add in a new set of markers, crayons, or colored pencils in a portable carrying case to up the allure of coloring. Bring a note book or blank sheets and your kid can draw or write instead of just coloring.
In France, we have a game called “le petit baccalauréat”. The goal of the game is to find a maximum of words beginning with the designated letter and corresponding to the right theme. For example, you have to find words beginning with the letter A in a category like animals, color, fruits, states. Try it, it is really fun.
- DJECO – Nymphea DIY Multi Activity Kit$43.99
- DJECO – Super Robots DIY craft kit$18.99
- Sale Product on saleJanod – Braided paper strips – Funny animals
$16.99Original price was: $16.99.$13.99Current price is: $13.99. - Djeco – DIY Inspiration Nature Press$35.99
Younger kids are often attached to a particular comfort object, or “lovey“. This is usually a blankie, soft toys, stuffed animal, or another soft object, but it can also be a doll, a car etc. It’s completely normal for kids to have a lovey, and loveys can ease separation anxiety and help your child adjust to new situations like a long trip. Don’t forget to bring it, especially if it is needed to go to sleep!! Buy a new one in case it gets lost. If it’s not this time, it will be in a few year when the company stopped producing this toy and you will be relieved to have another one.
If you’re looking for a way to keep your kids entertained on a long trip, pack some workbooks. These handy booklets offer a variety of activities, from coloring pages and mazes to word puzzles and hidden pictures. And if you want to sneak in some educational content, there are workbooks available for just about any subject, from spelling and reading to handwriting and fractions. Plus, with so many different topics to choose from, you’re sure to find one that interests your child, whether they’re into dinosaurs or daffodils, pixies or pets.
- Moulin Roty – Magnetic game getting dressed$22.95
- Sale Product on saleOmy – Giant Coloring Poster – USA
$16.99Original price was: $16.99.$11.89Current price is: $11.89. - Sale Product on saleOmy – 3D paper coloring air toy
$21.99Original price was: $21.99.$15.39Current price is: $15.39. - Chouette – Coffret Bientôt Noël$24.95
And if they don’t like workbooks, you can buy one and threaten them to make them work on it if they don’t stay nice. Who never did that can cast the first stone!
This is more a car activity, unless your goal is to make 300 hundred enemies at the same time. You can make a family list of the music you all like the most, and make each other discover new styles, new artists etc. You will be able to share stories with your child about this or that special song, and you will learn what he/she likes best, and why. You can even end up singing at loud all together!
If you’re looking for ways to keep your kids entertained on a long flight (its is more difficult in a car because of motion sickness), one tactic is to let them choose some books to bring along. The key is to wait until you’re actually on the plane before giving them the new books, so they have something to look forward to. You can also mix up their activities by throwing in some audio storybooks or games. This way, they won’t get too bored or restless from being in their seats for so long. And who knows, you might even enjoy some of the books they chose!
A long flight or car trip with young kids can be daunting for any parent. One way to help keep your kids entertained (and avoid their inherent boredom) is to buy them a few new toys specifically for the trip. It’s important to select toys that you know your child will love, based on their interests and obsessions. For example, a new toy vehicle is perfect for a car-obsessed kiddo, while a new set of playdough is ideal for an artist. If your child is into superheroes, pick up a new superhero figure; if they’re crafty, a jewelry kit is perfect. The key is to choose wisely so you don’t end up with screaming children (and regretful parents).
Because we live in the 21st century and we don’t want to fight or play the entire trip, especially if you have teenagers, don’t forget to add “screen time” to your list. As long as it’s offered in moderation, there are plenty of beneficial activities for kids available on screened devices.
If you’re looking for a way to keep your kids entertained on your next car trip, consider bringing along a portable DVD player or pre-loaded laptop or tablet. If you fly, make sure that they will have a screen .You can take or download a few of their favorites or buy a new movie they haven’t seen yet. Pack some popcorn as a snack to really bring the movie theater experience on board. Your kids will love being able to watch their favorite movies while they’re trapped in their seats, and you’ll appreciate having a few hours of peace and quiet!
For older kids, consider loading some of their favorite games onto your laptop or tablet. Familiar tablet games can provide a welcome break from hours of watching TV shows or movies, and many airlines now offer in-flight Wi-Fi access if your child wants to play games online.
1. Bring along a few new toys or games to keep them occupied according their age group. You can visit our website on https://mybulletoys.com, we have so many great ideas !
2. Download some new movies or TV shows to watch on your devices
3. Let them play with their siblings or friends if they’re traveling with you
4. Plan out some fun activities for each day of the trip
5. Pack snacks and drinks that they will enjoy
6. Make sure they have a comfortable place to rest during long car rides or flights
Bon Voyage!