Encyclopedia Britannica defines a toddler as a child who is between 12 and 36 months old (1 to 3 years old), as does the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC considers children who are ages 3 to 5 years old to be preschoolers. These children are in an impressionable developmental period, a perfect time to introduce them to the world of music through instruments for kids.
With brands like Animambo offering playful and colorful djeco instruments, or the more traditionally styled janod ukulele, there are plenty of options for young musicians. A guitar for kids can help them develop a variety of important skills, from motor skills to sounds and rhythm.
Exploring instruments like the janod ukulele or other djeco instruments designed specifically for children can spark a lifelong love of music and enhance their cognitive growth. Read on to learn more about the exciting world of guitar for kids, and other instruments for kids, that can shape their future in countless positive ways.
Developmental milestones are things most children can do by a certain age. A child reaches developmental landmarks in how they play, learn new skills and behaviors (like walking), speak to others differently over time as well- all while exploring their environment more fully than ever before!
Milestones usually manifest themselves between newborns & toddlers during the second year when kids start moving around better with increased independence which may lead them into defiance sometimes but also recognizing oneself.
The second year is a time when your child’s independence continues to grow. They are now able take more steps on their own, smile for the first time (and not just around you), wave “bye-bye” as if it were goodbye instead of good night; all this tells us that even though they may still be very close with mom or dad at times–you’re no longer indispensable!

Music can play an important role in your child’s growth, even before birth. Exposing your child to music ignites all areas of child development. And doing this early can help ensure that your baby grows up healthy.
Encouraging your child to dance by playing music and encouraging him will allow the little one explore different parts of his body while learning how they work together. dancing has been proven as an art form that helps kids learn more about themselves, which makes it fun for everyone!
A great way you can show off some moves yourself is with these toddler-friendly instruments such as an egg shaker or maraca – they make fantastic boogies too! Moving around on beat means toddlers are working hard at building up skills needed later when doing other physical activities like running races (or even just chasing after friends). Kids this age like to imitate what they see, so don’t be afraid to do some dancing yourself.
- Djeco – Animambo Bongo$34.99
- Sale Product on saleDjeco – Animambo guitar
$44.90Original price was: $44.90.$40.41Current price is: $40.41.

Music is the best way to while away time and get into a great mood. Whether you’re listening actively or just letting your mind wander, certain genres will always be able help reduce stress levels – like ambient (sometimes also called chillout) music that provides calming stimulation for our minds!
Music is good for Kids’ bodies and minds, and should be a part of daily life in your family! The best news is that you don’t have to be a great musician to include music in your family’s life. Children naturally enjoy music and they want to explore it with you. Repetition is key with young children, as they will enjoy and benefit from hearing the same songs or repeating the same patterns. As children age, you can add novelty by changing the tempo, volume, or lyrics.
Let your kid choose the style he/she likes! Don’t believe in the Mozart effect . Listening to Mozart may not make you smarter, but it’s still a nice way of killing time. The science behind the effect is questionable at best and popular versions online claim that “listening Mozart or classic music only increases your intellectual capacity” or how early childhood exposure to classic Music has beneficial effects on mental development–which isn’t really true!

The benefits of music for young brains are undeniable. Babies and toddlers who have been exposed to it perform better than those without, not just in task-based milestones but also when it comes time at school or work! Don’t forget that in early development, music can be seen as a universal language.
Xylophones, flutes glasses bells castanets maracas will help your little one explore familiar melodies while making some fun sounds along the way – all stimulate neural pathways that promote critical thinking skills as well as encourage creativity within them too.
Fine and gross motor skills
In addition to promoting physical development, playing musical instruments is a great way for your toddler’s fine and gross motor skills to develop. For instance, drumming with an open hand can help build up some more balance while learning how tap each finger on the piano or hold onto one end of a wooden spoon so that he/she has improved grip strength when tapping out different rhythms at different speeds than what was originally played by others who do not have enough practice yet!
Instruments are a great way to teach children about music but children learn patience as well . As they play, toddlers will learn the importance of waiting their turn as well as taking turns with other instruments in order not miss out on anything fun! Toys can also help introduce early concepts such social interaction through turn-taking for young musicians who want more than just one chance at playing an instrument right away.
Accelerate brain development and reading skills
Reading skills are improved by playing musical instruments.
A recent study found that learning an instrument such as piano or guitar can lead to better reading abilities for children who struggle with basic word recognition in both spoken words and math operations because they’re able see how individual notes fit together on the page when listening closely, which trains your ear further developing converts hearing into understanding what we hear much more precisely than just relying solely upon sight alone .
Importantly, music education also appears to accelerate brain development in young children, particularly in the areas of the brain responsible for processing sound, language development, speech perception and reading skills, according to initial results of a five-year study by USC neuroscientists.

What’s more rewarding than hearing your baby or toddler sing along with their favorite tunes? Musical toys give children an opportunity to express themselves and release any pent-up energy, not mention it just being loads of fun!
A good toy is one that is fun for your child and suitable for his age, developmental needs, and personality. It also inspires active play. Kids need to do something—push, pull, dissect, build—with a toy.
Toddlers like walking, running, climbing: you should choose something that they can take with them. They are developing fine motor skills; they like to use their fingers, their hands in a more precise way.
They develop their senses – seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, and smelling. Choose something colorful and that make noises help his/her sensory development.
They also getting more social and like playing with others.
Now you know developmental benefits of musical toys.
You don’t have to spend a lot of money on musical instruments for your children. You can find anything that’s suitable at home or around the house, like wooden spoons and pots! To shakers/rattles made from old boxes: they really get into it too!).
The best musical instruments you can buy for your children would include toy drum, shakers or rattles, xylophones, maracas.
They are noisy, colorful and easy to handle and transport with their little hands.
It has the perfect size for the aspiring musician, this tunable guitar creates a wonderful sound, includes an extra set of strings.
It is going to helps develop motor skills, dexterity, coordination, listening and timing, rhythm, sequencing, creativity and imagination.
Possibly the most beautiful children’s rhythm set, featuring attractive and engaging artwork designed by famous French artist Magali Antiogbe, and all perfectly sized for small hands; the perfect percussion assortment
Children can use to experiment with different instruments: a drum, a xylophone, a cymbal, and a maraca.
And because we also have an inner instrument (our voice), we have many music books for you, to learn and sing with your child classic French songs.

Think about toddlers and toys. Does s/he play with the same toy all day every day?
You probably rotate them in and out to help tune up different abilities and renew interest.
There’s a reason rotating learning tools (including instruments!) is important for our youngest learners. They lack the attention span needed to devote to just one activity.
So, even if your toddler took an interest in one instrument, the chances of her coming back to it over and over are slim.
So go ahead and add music to your daily life! It’s one of the simplest ways to improve your child’s physical and mental health. And you don’t have to be a great musician yourself – children naturally enjoy music and want to explore it with you. Just be sure to keep things fun, positive, and repetitive, and add novelty as your child ages.
And, because we know that being a parent can be hard (especially of a toddler, and even more of a toddler with musical toys), let’s give you a little secret!
When you need some quiet time, just say at loud “King of silence!” and, then, enjoy 5 minutes of silence. Yes, you do deserve it, and don’t be ashamed, kids love it!
Quality is more important than quantity : find the right balance within you family and enjoy spending quality time with your child.